How to Install Ntopng in Pfsense
Ntopng (replaces ntop) is a network probe. It displays the network status on the user's terminal. In Web mode it acts as a Web server, creating an HTML dump of the network status. It sports a NetFlow/sFlow emitter/collector, an HTTP-based client interface for creating ntop-centric monitoring applications, and RRD for persistently storing traffic statistics.
1. Open internet browser, Type IP address of Pfsense firewall for access web interface.
2. Type Username Password and click on SIGN IN. After After successful login on Pfsense you get Pfsense Dashboard.
3. Click on System Menu and click on Package Manager.
4. On the package manager screen, click on Available packages tab. Search Ntopng package and click on Install.
5. Click on confirm.
6. After Installation completed click on Diagnostics Menu and select Ntopng settings.
7. Once Ntopng Settings opens, check the box Enable Ntopng, type Ntopng admin password and confirm Ntopng admin password. click on save.
8. After Save the settings create a rule for allow port 3000 for access Ntopng.
9. Once Rule created. again click on Diagnostics Menu and select Ntopng.
10 Type Username (admin) and password, click on login.