Add domain users to the local administrators group
If you want to give a user and group full permission on a local computer do below mention step for the same.
first, you create a user and group which you want to give permission
Start -run-type dsa.msc and press enter
Right-click on your domain controller - New -Group
Now you create a group and type name Administrators rights on local computer and click on OK
Now you create a user which user you want to allow administrators rights
once user creation done make the user member of Administrators rights on local computer group
Now click on OK and apply and OK
Now a create a Group policy
once group policy object created right-click on Administrators rights on local and edit
Now expand computer configuration -windows setting- security setting-restricted group
Right-click user Restricted Groups and click on add group
Now click on Browse
here type administrators and click on check name once group fined click on ok
once group added
click on add under member of the group and click on browse
Here type your group name Administrators rights on local computer and check now and click on ok
and here click on apply and ok
Now administrators rights on local computer member of administrator
Now your policy created and right-click on OU under GPMC.MSC, which OU have your computer
move and click on Link an Existing GPO
now run gpupdate /sync command on your computer and Restart the computer
after computer start- right click on my computer- manage-Local user and groups - groups- administrators- right click and properties