


Install PHP ZIP Extension on linux

Install PHP ZIP Extension on Linux

PHP ZIP - This extension enables users to transparently read or write ZIP compressed archives and the files inside them. If you want to install the ZIP-PHP extension on your Linux operating system, follow the steps below.

For Red Hat-based distributions (like CentOS or Fedora):

Enable Remi using mention command.

$ sudo yum-config-manager --enable remi-php72

update the CentOS using mention command.

$ yum update

Install php zip using mention command

$ sudo yum install php-pecl-zip / sudo yum install php-zip 


update the ubuntu using mention command.

$ Sudo apt-get update

Install php zip using mention command

$ sudo apt-get install php7.2-zip / sudo apt-get install php-zip

Once the installation is completed, you need to configure the php-zip extension in your PHP configuration file using the command mentioned below, and then restart the web server service.

$ sudo echo "extension=zip.so" >> /etc/php.d/zip.ini

CentOS operating system on use the command below for restart the service,

For restart the service of nginx

$ systemct restart nginx.service

For restart the service of apache:

$ systemct restart httpd.service

Ubuntu operating system on use the command below for restart the service,

For restart the service of nginx

$ systemct restart nginx.service

For restart the service of apache:

$ systemct restart apache2.service

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