


install windows server 2012 r2

Install windows server 2012 r2

power on the server which server on want to install install windows server 2012 r2 

Go to Bios and set first boot device cd rom  

Insert windows server 2012 r2 image CD

once cd insert in cd drive press ctrl +alt+del

after restart the system press any key once show massage on your computer screen

Now file load start

Now choose the language, time and currency format, keyboard or input method and click Next

click on install now

now select which type of OS you want to install

now click on check box ( I accept the license terms)

Now click on Custom: Install Windows only (Advanced).

Now where do you want to install windows page select on hard drive and click drive options

Now click new to create a new disk drive partitions

Now select the disk drive where you want to install server 2012 r2 once your disk drive is selected click next

Now os installation start

Now set your username password

now login with your username and password

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