How to resolve Printer Needs User Intervention in windows 10
If you get an error Printer Needs User Intervention in windows 10. you can resolve the issue using the following steps.
Click on Windows key + R and type services.msc and press enter
After press enter, one screen appears now right-click on print spooler and restart the service
If you don't have to access Run you can open cmd and type start services.msc and press enter
After press enter, one screen appears now right-click on print spooler and restart the service
One more option to restart the printer spooler service
Right-click on taskbar and select task manager
when open task manager click on Services tab, right-click on spooler and restart the service
One more option to restart the printer spooler service
select Ctrl+Shift+Esc
when open task manager click on Services tab, right-click on spooler and restart the service