


How to Turn Off an Android

Turn Off an Android

Smartphones have become fundamental apparatuses in many organizations, yet these gadgets don't generally work true to form. In the event that your Android gadget has eased back to creep or it has solidified totally, instead of tossing it against your office divider, a couple of fundamental investigating steps may reestablish your gadget to usefulness. In the event that the telephone is receptive to fasten squeezes, you can turn it off in the standard way; else, you'll have to do a constrained reboot.

Power Off Android Device:

Step 1

Press the Power button on your Android to wake it from rest mode.

Step 2

Press and hold the Power button to open the Device Options.

Step 3

Tap Power Off in the window. The device will shut down. Power up the device again by pressing and holding the power button until the boot screen appears.

Forced Reboot:

Step 1

Press and hold the Power button.

Step 2

Press and hold the Volume Up button. Some devices, such as those that don’t have external volume controls, may require that you press a different button, such as the Home or Menu button.

Step 3

Continue pressing both buttons until the device restart.

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