Schedule Task For Auto Shutdown
Step 1
Open Task Scheduler.
Step 2
Click on Create Basic Task on the right side.
Step 3
Type any name ( Shutdown ) as the task name then click on Next.
Step 4
Choose when the task starts from Daily, Weekly, Monthly, One time, When the computer starts, When I log on and When a specific event is logged, and then click Next.
Step 5
Set the start time of the task and click Next.
Step 6
Select Start a program then click Next.
Step 7
Click the Browse button and open location Disk C:/Windows/System32, choose the .exe file named shutdown ( that name you type in step 3) and click Open.
Step 8
Type –s in add arguments and click Next.
Step 9
Click Finish to complete the task creation and bring the task into effect.