Windows 10 crashes when printing
Windows 10 Update KB5000802 and KB5000808 cumulative updates released in this month. After installing the update Windows 10 to crash with an "APC_INDEX_MISMATCH for win32kfull.sys" blue screen of death crash.
If you attempts to fix the issue by upgrading printer drivers have been mainly unsuccessful.
If you are have found the printing bug, for temporary solution you can uninstall the Windows 10 KB5000802 cumulative update by closing applications and opening a command prompt. In the command prompt, enter the following command:
wusa /uninstall /kb:5000802
To uninstall the Windows 10 KB5000808 cumulative update, use this command instead:
wusa /uninstall /kb:5000808
After uninstallation completed Restart the computer.
You can also uninstall update from program and Features using following steps.
1. click on start and search control Panel.
2. When control panel open click on View by and select small icons.
3. Click on Program and Features.
4. When Program and features open, click on View installed updates.
5. When installed updates open search KB5000802 and KB500808.
6. When search result show right click on update and click uninstall.