


Download CentOS 8 and install step by step in 2020

Download centOS8 and install step by step

Download centOS8

Here we are going to see the Installation process step by step of Linux Cent OS 8.x. For this you are required to download CentOS ISO file from its website or you can use DVD of CentOS. After All this insert the CentOS 8.x Installation DVD or Bootable media in DVD Rom and start Computer. Than set bios to boot from DVD as 1st boot or by pressing F12 select DVD to enter in CentOS Installation.
When computer starts booting from bootable media it shows screen like this, to start installation Press ENTER key to proceed to next step.

 [2] Here you are going to select the Language you would like to use during the installation of OS. It also set as your system default language.

 [3] Now the screen shows you the default summary of basic configurations. This configuration divided in three category like LOCALIZATION, SOFTWARE and SYSTEM. Here we go with Localization to set keyboard language.

[4]  Now click on [+] button to add keyboard language on under-left.

[5] Select your keyboard layout type on the list to do that click [Add] button.

[6] After setting keyboard layout, now set your keyboard on top for 1st priority by clicking on Up Down button which is on under-right  and Click [Done] button which is upper left to finish.

[7]  Now set your time zone, Click on [TIME & DATE] icon.Select or point on the map which like to set your timezone and Click [Done] button.  

[8] Next step for installation mode like GUI or CLI mode by clicking on [Software Selection] icon to install OS.
Choose the Software selection from the given list to install. Choose [Server with GUI] Selection.

[9]  Now Click [Installation Destination] icon to select a disk you want to install CentOS.
Here you can have two option for HDD selection to Destination installation 1. Automatic and 2. Custom. If you go with Automatic installation it will partition disk automatically,
But if you select Custom on it, you have to configure partition manually as /boot, /,  /home, /swap.
After doing all of this click [Done] button.

[10]  Next step is to configure Network for that Click [Network & Host Name] icon. In this step you can configure network adaptor IP address to Manual as per your choice. If not than leave it as default that is Auto or DHCP. Here you can also give hostname to Server or Client CentOS as per your desire. Input the Hostname on [Host Name] field.

[11] Next step is to start Installation but before that you make sure that all above steps of Configuration of keyboard language, installation mode, disk partition, network and hostname are confirmed and if that’s all OK, Click [Begin Installation] to install CentOS. 

[12] In this step Installation stared. Also define Username and Password for User login.

[13]   Now define root password in root password setting wizard and Click on [Done] button to finish.

[14] In next you can create user form Create User section. Click [Done] button. 

[15] Now click on [Finish Configuration] to finish installation process.

[16] To finish Installation click [Reboot] button.

[17] After Restarting system, Login windows comes up now login with root password or predefined Username and Password as you have set for login. This is the last step for CentOS 8 installation.

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