


How To Join Computer In Domain Using Command

How To Join Computer In Domain Using CMD ?

There Are Few Things You Need Have To Join Computer In Domain.

  • You Have Appropriate Rights or Administrator Rights Or Special Rights To Take System Into Domain. If you Have Not Appropriate Permission You Can Not Take System Into Domain.
  • You Need Proper Domain Name eg. itsuupport.local,
  • You Have To Give Proper IP Configuration To Contact Your System With Domain Server,
  • You Need To Check That Your Domain Is Reachable Or Not. If Not, You Cant Join.  
Now Open Your Command Prompt,
If You Are Log on As Administrator Open CMD, Or else  Right Click On CMD And Run As Administrator, This Will Ask Administrator Credentials. 

netdom /domain:itSuuport /user:Administrator /password:Admin@123 member <computer name> /joindomain

Where <Computer name> Is your Machine Name.

If You Are Administrator There Are Second Method First Add Computer In Directory Then Join.

Execute this command from a domain controller:

  • Open a command prompt.
  • Type net computer \\ComputerName /add, then press “Enter“.
Execute This Command From WorkStation

netdom join computername /domain:domainname

Where <Computer Name> Is Your Machine Name. eg.Jay-PC.
Now Your Computer In Domain, You Can Login With Your Domain ID And Password. 

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