


How To Join Windows 10 PC In Domain.

How To Join Windows 10 Computer In Domain.

A Domain-based network provides centralized administration of an entire network from a single computer that's called a server. Domains provide users to log on from any network computer within the network perimeter. Users are able to access resources for which they have permission.

While joining pc Into Domain you Need To Follow a Few Steps.

  • IP Configuration: This Should Be Proper Like IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, DNS Should Be Pointed To Your Organization DNS Or If You Don't Know What IS Your DNS You Need To Contact Network Team Or Support Team. Or You May Check By Lookup.
  • You Need Administrative Rights To Take PC In Domain.
  • Your Client PC Hostname should Be Unique.

First Configure IP Address Details Pointed to DNS.

Here Preferred DNS is Our Server IP which Contains DNS Services.

Now Go To My Computer -> Right Click On Properties -> And Then Change Setting

Why We Need To Change Computer Name Because It's Easy To Identify After Many Computer Deployed In Our office.

Click On Change Button To Change Computer Name.
If Computer Is Already IN Domain And Secure Channel Between Client And Server YOu Can Add Computer Directly By Selecting Network ID.

Here We Have Given itsuuport-pc Computer Name. Then You Need To Restart Computer To Take effect.

Then Again Right Click On My PC -> Properties -> Change Setting -> Change -> Click On Domain And Give your Domain Name to Join PC. Figure Shown Below.

Click On Ok It Will Prompt For Domain Administrator Credentials To Contact PC With Domain.

Click Ok Button. And System Will Reboot.

Now You Have Successfully Join Into Domain. IT will Reboot And Then Login As Your Domain ID By Click On Other User.

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