


Nslookup Command

Nslookup Command

Nslookup: It is a command-line tool.that command used for network administration its use for DNS (domain name system) related queries.its resolve name to IP or IP and name... 

Nslookup command example

open command prompt and type nslookup command and hit enter

If you want to know the A record type site name and press enter

Type your domain name here i use google.com

> google.com

If you want to know pointer record type IP address  and press enter


If you want to knowns record type IP address  and press enter

If you want to know mx (Mail Exchanger) record type mention command  and press enter

If you want to know any record type mention command  and press enter

If you want to know SOA record type mention command and press enter

C:\ nslookup -type=soa google.com

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