Not Safe for Work
The abbreviation NSFW stands for “not safe for work.” When used effectively, NSFW is a alert that shows a link to a site-page, video, photo, or audio clip contains wrong substance. Although the fact that the word is normally associated with pornography, it’s frequently utilized as a warning label for violent, offensive, foul, or even politically charged content.
Despite its strict meaning (not safe for work), the NSFW abbreviation is utilized to save you from any kind of public embarrassment (or, you know, from traumatizing your children). You may see it in the title of a YouTube video, in the header of an email, or before an active connection on a site or news story.
Sometimes, NSFW is utilized to demonstrate that a website page may make you awkward—that is how broad of a word we’re dealing with. In these situations, NSFW is sometimes joined by a “trigger word” or “TW” mark. A video that contains detailed images of war, for example, maybe labeled “NSFW TW: War,” or something like that.
Staying away from the wrong substance used to be a relatively simple task. Movies carried an R rating, dirty magazines were marked as such, and The Maury Show opened with a warning that you should kick any kids out of the room ASAP.
But in the age of the internet, anybody can make content. And as you’d expect, individuals rarely feel the need to check their photos, videos, and webpages as inappropriate. (To be fair, individuals generally post their "wrong" content in communities where said content is actually viewed as proper.)
NSFW which includes things like: Pornography, gore, fetishes and other shit. If any of your co-workers or your boss finds you watching NSFW, it's gonna be embarrassing and you'll get fired. Watch it at home at your own privacy.