How to reset dsrm password in active directory 2003,2008 and 2012
If you need to reset the Directory Services Restore Mode (DSRM) administrator password for any windows server in your domain without restarting the server in DSRM. Microsoft Windows 2000 uses the Setpwd the DSRM password using the command-line utility. In Microsoft Windows Server 2003, that functionality has been integrated into the NTDSUTIL command-line tool. A member of the Domain Administrators group sets the DSRM administrator password during the promotion process for the domain controller. You can also use Ntdsutil.exe to reset this password for the server on which you are working, or for another domain controller in the domain.
active directory reset password use ntdsutil command
command in cmd prompt: ntdsutil
Type: Set dsrm password
Type: reset password on server null
Now set your new password
Confirm your password
Reset DSRM Administrator Password: Q